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      Send Faxes by Email (Fax-out)

   Email is deliverd to a fax machine using BizFax Pro


  Fax delivery guaranteed


Move on to the paperless 21st Century
and SEND faxes from your email. 



BizFax Pro allows you to send faxes over INTERNET connections like 3G, ASDL, GPRS to any fax number straight from your email!  No printing and paper needed. Its delivered just like a normal fax but sent as an email. To top it all, long distance and international fax calls will cost less than Telkom rates.

How will it work? Once you have an account we will supply you with an destination email address.  All you do is type the fax number into the TO field of your email followed by the destination email address and hit the send button.  Walla... our fax server will convert your email with attachments to a fax format and fax it to the fax number you selected.


What are the Benefits of using this service?

1.    Convenient paperless faxing from anywhere you can send email!

2.    No fax line, No Fax machine or Fax modems needed

3.   You only need email (or Internet like 3G, ASDL, etc)

4.   Maintenance free with NO staff, software, hardware or servers needed.

  What does it Cost?

Maximum costs are R 15 pm  which includes 20 FREE fax minutes* and then 70c per minute there after.  The monthly costs for larger companies reduces with more users...

  Each subscription includes free minutes to the value of the subscription
Min monthly No of Users
Amount min max
R15 1 100
R10 101 500
R5 501+  

 Faxing from email could save your business up to 70 % on your existing fax solution not to mention it's convenience and mobility. 

Why waste time!


      Our Email to fax service inlcudes a 15 day trial.



 * FREE FAX MINUTES apply only to local and national  phone numbers and excludes
calls to cell phones, premium rated numbers, Fax to email numbers etc.




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