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Samsung Galaxy SII Competition

Holiday for six to Mabalingwe 

Holiday for two to Mabalinwe

- Use of  Website and Fax to Email Service

- BizFax Pro (ProFax) Fax out Terms and Conditions






Samsung Galaxy SII Competition:  Receive a fax and win


Receive a fax and stand a change to win Samsung Galaxy SII per fax.

1. This competition is applicable for BizFax users / subscribers only. 
2. Competition entries are valid until 01 June 2013-06-01 
3. Please note that the prize excludes delivery which will be for the clients account.
4. Entries are only valid for South African citizens. 
5. The user must have an active fax number and received at least 1 successfully faxes on a active BizFax number, (delivered to the users registered email address with BizFax) to be eligible for the draw. 
6. The prize is not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash.

7. The user receives an entry per fax they receive during the first 10 day directly following their signup date only!
8. The user can receive an unlimited amount of entries. ( 1 fax received = one entry).
9. BizFax and Direct X trading reserves the right to publish names and /or photographs of the winners. 
10. Judges decision is final and no correspondence may be entered into.
11. The prize is a Samsung Galaxy SII or better.
12. The competition is only valid if a minimum of 25 000 users has subscribed. 
13. Winner will be notified via their registered BizFax email address. 
14. The competition draw will be 10 June 20013  2013-06-10 
15. Winner must claim the prize within 3 Months from the date of notification after which the prize will be forfeited and allocated into the next prize draw. Should the winner claim the prize after 3 months it will be the sole discretions of BizFax if the winner will receive a second or consolation prize at that time. 
16. The competition is not valid to employees and families of BizFax, Direct X Investments CC
17. By utilizing the BizFax service or subscribing to any of the competitions hosted by BizFax the client, user or subscriber agrees to and authorizes BizFax to send promotional emails or news letters to the client email or cell phone. However the client will be able to unsubscribe to any of these at any time. Each email will have an opt out option clearly indicated at the bottom of the email. Simply click on the required link to unsubscribe.



Mabalingwe Big Five Holiday :

1.      Entries are only valid for South African citizens.

2.      Prize includes:  Four star accommodation in Tlou Lodge for six at eh Mabalingwe Big five Resort.

o        2 x Game Drives

o        1 x Lion Feeding Drive

o        Breakfasts included

o        Dinners included

o        Meals does not include any beverages however a total of  R 5000 spending vouchers are available for lunches, drinks, beverages and any other activities not covered above and will be deducted from this account. (Vouchers cannot be claimed anywhere else but at the Mabalingwe resort).

o        5 Days four nights accommodation for 6

o        Any expenses not covered by the above specification will be for the prize winner’s account and needs to be settled on the day of departure.

o        Activities needs to be booked at reception by winners and are subject to availability. So please make sure to confirm availability before you book your holiday.

o        The prizes can only be used out of season and is subject to availability etc.

o        All other terms  and conditions will be stipulated on the prize winners letter

3.      Every participant can invite as many friends as they like to increase there chances of winning the two extra tickets

4.      Only legitimate emails will count

5.      Only one email address per person allowed

6.     Competition will only be valid if more than 35 000 entries are received into the competition. If less than this the competition may be extended with 1 year consecutively until such entries has been reached.

7.     The prize for 2 additional tickets:

o        will be treated as an separate competition

o        It will be for the client’s discretion weather or not they would like to join the group of six.  

o        These two tickets can be taken separately from the main competition.

o         It will have all the benefits of the above except for the R 5000 spending money and lodge.  It will be in separate accommodation different to the lodge Tlou Lodge. 

8.     Competition entries are valid until 30 July 2009  (30/07/2009).  Final draw will take place on 10 August 2009 (10 /08 / 2009)

9.     The winner will be notified via Email

10.  Winner must claim the prize within 3 Months from the date of notification after which the prize will be forfeited and allocated into the next prize draw.  Should the winner claim the prize after 3 months it will be the sole discretions of BizFax if the winner will receive a second or consolation prize at that time.  

11.  Judges decision is final and no correspondence may be entered into.

12.  The prize is not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash.

13.  Bookings are subject to the establishment’s availability.

14.  By utilizing the BizFax service or subscribing to any of the competitions hosted by BizFax the client, user or subscriber agrees to and authorizes BizFax to send promotional emails or news letters to the client email or cell phone.   However the client will be able to unsubscribe to any of these at any time.  Each email will have a opt out option clearly indicated at the bottom of the email.  Simply click on the required link to unsubscribe.

15.  By entering the draw you are authorizing BizFax to send invitation and reminder emails on your behalf to people (friends and contacts) you invite to join the competition. These emails may contain,  display and / or promote your BizFax number as your primary fax number  should you have one, and request these people to use this fax number as your primary fax number. 

16. The competition is not valid to employees and families of BizFax,  Direct X Investments CC, Mabalingwe

17.  BizFax and Direct X trading reserves the right to publish names and /or photographs of the winners. Please note that the prize excludes transport to Mabalingwe.

18.  Arrangements can be made on the client’s behalf to be picked up at the Johannesburg Airport .






 BizFax is a registered trademark of Direct X Investments CC.  Direct X Investments is here in represented by its trademark name “BizFax” and here and after called the BizFax.


1. Limited Risk

Due to the nature of the product and services offered on this web site, BIZFAX cannot be held responsible for risks incurred through the use of any of these products or services, as well as all risks associated with data security, privacy, availability and reliability of message processing and transmission. Thus, the customer is fully and exclusively liable for any and all risk resultant from the use of the said product (s) or service(s).


2. Access to the Service

BIZFAX shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the products and services are available on a 24 hour, 7 days a week basis. You may only subscribe to the BizFax service if you intend to use you BizFax number as your Primary fax number.  


3. Confidentiality

BIZFAX shall endeavour to keep confidential any information provided by the customer; it shall not sell trade or exchange such information with any other entity.  The customer shall be required to provide a verifiable first name, last name and email address, address and contact number. BIZFAX reserve the right to terminate access on any account where such information, on request, cannot be irrevocably verified or where a reasonable suspicions exits that such information is invalid.


4. Limitation of Liability

These services and all information, products and other content (including third party information, products and content) provided by, included in or accessible from this web site, are provided "as is" and are subject to change at any time without notice to the customer. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all representations and warranties (express, implied and statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights) as to the services and all information, products and other content (including third party information, products and content) provided by, included in or accessible from this web site. In no event shall BIZFAX be liable for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any direct, indirect, special, consequential, punitive or incidental damages, or damages for loss of use, profits, data or other intangibles, or the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services, arising out of or related to the use, inability to use, unauthorized use, performance or non-performance of these products or services, even if BIZFAX has been advised previously of the possibility of such damages and whether such damages arise in contract, negligence, depict, under statute, in equity, at law or otherwise.


5. Customer Responsibilities

The customer agrees to use the product and services provided in a mature, responsible manner in keeping with acceptable social norms. Any complaints to the contrary shall be investigated and if found to contain merit shall result in termination of service, without prior notice, at which time all remaining pre-paid credits will be forfeited. The decision of the BIZFAX is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The client is required to receive a minimum of 3 faxes every three months to keep the service.


6. Intellectual Property Rights

The information, media, systems, content, Products and Services provided by BIZFAX through the BIZFAX product range for the customer's use, including all intellectual property rights therein, is the sole property Direct X Investments CC.


7. Applicable Law

The laws of the Republic of South Africa govern this contract. The customer fully acknowledges that any disputes resulting in legal intervention shall be concluded within the jurisdiction of the Republic of South Africa and that the applicable laws of the Republic of South Africa shall prevail.


8. Interpretation and Nullification of Clauses

The customer accepts to agree to all aspects of this agreement and shall comply with all laws, regulations and restrictions that apply to the customer. THE BIZFAX shall be entitled to modify the terms and conditions of this Policy in writing from time to time. Any delay in the enforcement of any term of this agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such right(s).


9. News letters and promotional emails:  

By utilizing the BizFax service or subscribing to any of the competitions hosted by BizFax the client, user or subscriber agrees to and authorizes BizFax to send promotional emails or news letters to the client email or cell phone.   However the client will be able to unsubscribe to any of these at any time.  Each email will have a opt out option clearly indicated at the bottom of the email.  Simply click on the required link to unsubscribe.  BizFax may use you fax number to send you promotional information that may and can be displayed in both the fax content (attachment) and the email content of the fax delivery email.

10. General use

All fax numbers are provided on a trial basis only and the subscriber does not own the fax number. However unlikely, BizFax may at any time impose a line rental or usage charge for the use of the fax numbers in which case BizFax has to provide the customer with a 30 day notice to activate or cancel the payment service. Customers will never be charged without the customer’s authorization. Bizfax may suspend the provision of use of the fax numbers to any client at any time without notice and at its sole discretion. 

You may only subscribe to the BizFax service if you intend to use you BizFax number as your Primary fax number.  

Due to the nature of this business these term and condition may change from time to time and any change of terms will be published on this page.



 - BizFax Pro (ProFax) Fax out Terms and Conditions

BizFax all rights reserved






Terms & Conditions