BizFax  Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

Bizfax ("BizFax" or "we")  are dedicated to establishing a trusting relationships with their users, based on respect for personal identity and information, by promoting the use of fair information practices. This privacy statement covers all web properties owned and maintained by BizFax.

As a user of our services and of our Websites, you confirm that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy and that you consent with the way we collect, store and process personal information about you, as explained in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy forms part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of this website. Continued use of this website means you agree to the provisions of this Policy and are bound by them.

Because BizFax wants to demonstrate its commitment to our users' privacy, we are disclosing:

  1. What personally identifiable information BizFax collects.
  2. How BizFax uses the information.
  3. With whom BizFax may share user information.
  4. What choices are available to users regarding collection, use and distribution of the information.
  5. What types of security procedures are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of this information to the extent under BizFax control.
  6. How users can correct any inaccuracies in the information.

Information Collection and Use

Information Collection

BizFax is the sole owner of the information collected on its Websites. BizFax collects information from its users at several different points on its Websites both directly from the user and through the use of cookies, log files and clear gifs, as well as through advertising and adverts scripts and forms and via affiliate websites. 


In order to use BizFax services at any level, a user must first complete the registration form. During registration a user is required to give contact information (such as name and email address), and a unique identifier to BizFax. We use this information to contact the user about services on our Websites for which the user has expressed interest. It is optional for a paying customer to provide demographic information (such as income level and gender), but encouraged so we can provide a more personalized experience on our Websites. Users who subscribe to a BizFax free service may be required to give general demographic information, such as gender and occupation.


When a user purchases a paying service, we request contact information (such as name, email, and billing address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date) from the user. This information is used for billing purposes and to fill customers' orders. If we have trouble processing an order, the information is used to contact the user. However we do not store and Credit Card information of the user.


A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while on our Web sites. We may use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. For the session ID cookie, once users close the browser, the cookie simply terminates. A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on the user's hard drive for an extended period of time. Persistent cookies can be removed by following Internet browser help file directions.

By setting a cookie on one of our Websites, users do not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our Website. If users reject the cookie, they may still use our Website. The only drawback to this is that the user will be limited in some areas of our Website. Persistent cookies enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our Website. See the "Profile" section below.

Some of our business partners may use cookies on our Websites (for example, advertisers). However, we have no access to or control over these cookies, once we have given permission for them to set cookies for advertising. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by BizFax Web properties only and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers.

We will also use cookies to identify your dealer/supplier/affiliate or agent and will automatically divert or redirect you to that persons or companies website or sub domain name even if you typed in a deferent website address.


Log Files

Like most websites, our servers use log files to analyze trends, administer the site, track user's movement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses, etc. are not linked to personally identifiable information.

Clear Gifs

Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and we may use them to track the online movements of our users. Clear gifs are invisible on the page and are much smaller than cookies, about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Clear gifs are not tied to users' personally identifiable information. We may also use clear gifs in our HTML-based emails to let us know which emails have been opened by the recipients. This allows us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. If users would like to opt-out of these emails, please see the Opt-out section.


We may store information that we collect through cookies, log files and third parties to create a profile of our users. A profile is stored information that we keep on individual users that details their viewing preferences. Consequently, collected information may be tied to the user's personally identifiable information to provide offers and improve the content of the Website for the user. This profile may be used to tailor a user's visit to our Websites, and to direct pertinent marketing promotions to them. We do not share personally identifiable elements of your profile with other third parties. Your profile is shared in aggregate form only.

Information Use

The information is used in the following ways:

  1. Provision of Services. Used to set up your account, provide the Services and Customer Support, and to communicate with you regarding other account related issues.
  2. Email Correspondence. Used to raise and respond to issues and inquiries of all types. Also used to distribute information about BizFax, our products, and services and to dispense advertising from our advertising partners regarding their products and their services.
  3. As set out in the section of this Privacy Policy entitled "Sharing."

BizFax acts as a passive conduit for the distribution and receipt of it’s user's fax, voice and e-mail communications and therefore will not monitor, edit, or disclose the contents of a user's private communications unless BizFax in good faith believes that such action is necessary to: (1) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on BizFax; (2) protect and defend the rights or property of BizFax; or (3) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of its users or the public. Users should also be aware (and hereby agree) that certain technical processing of and access to fax, voice and email messages and their content may be required to: (a) route the messages; (b) conform to connecting networks' technical requirements; (c) prevent or minimize disruptions to BizFax's services; or (d) conform to other similar requirements.

Subject to the legal exceptions listed in this Privacy Policy, BizFax will not disclose to third parties the BizFax numbers or fax numbers uploaded to our Websites by our users for the purpose of using fax voice Broadcast, and other BizFax products or services.

Third Party Advertising

The ads appearing on our Websites are delivered to users through various third party advertising partners. Information about users' visits to our Websites and other websites, such as number of times they have viewed an ad (but not user name, address, or other personal information), may be used to serve ads to users on our Websites. Third party advertising partners do not have access to personally identifiable information. In addition, some third party advertisers may provide advertisements about BizFax services on other websites.


All our emails contains the unsubscribe option at the bottom of the emails.  To unsubscribe simply click on this link and follow the instructions.  PLEASE NOTE:  If you use email instead of the unsubscribe link to unsubscribe, you need to be aware that we receive thousands of emails, and that any unsubscribe requests sent directly to any of our email addresses may be missed and we cannot guarantee that you will be unsubscribed when using email only.  It is for this reason that you should only use the "unsubscribe" link to unsubscribed or phone our support desk directly on 087 808 5003.


Fax Delivery Emails:

When a customer receives a fax on their BizFax number the fax will be received by BizFax fax servers, converted to an PDF email attachment, and attached to an email and send to the customers linked email address and or secondary linked email address. The actual fax will be wholly contained within the attachment and the email will only act as a vessel or "envelop" for delivery purposes.  These emails (not attachments) may from time to time contain promotional material or advertising either from BizFax products or services or from Third party advertisers. These adverts will have no influence on the free fax to email delivery service and should make no difference to the user experience whether they are included or excluded.


Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that we have personal information of a child under the age of 13, we will delete that information from our systems. For tips on protecting children's privacy online, please the FTC's Web site (

Communications from the Website

Special Offers and Updates

We send all new customers a welcoming email to verify  or deliver BizFax telephone number and authorization details. Established users will occasionally receive emails containing information about us, updates on new service features, service usage tips, information about third party services that are likely to be of interest to our members, and member satisfaction questions. Paying BizFax users may opt-out of such notices. Free BizFax users can cancel service at any time and be removed from such notices as well or unsubscribe fro the mailing lists. Please see the

Service Announcements

On rare occasions it is necessary to send out a strictly service related announcement. For instance, if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance we might send users an email. Generally, users may not opt-out of these communications, though they can deactivate their account. However, these communications are not promotional in nature.

Customer Service

We communicate with users on a regular basis to provide requested services and regarding issues relating to their accounts. We reply via email or phone, in accordance with the users’ wishes.

Spam and Junk Faxes or promotional calls

BizFax has a zero tolerance policy for abuse. While we cannot be responsible for external communications received through BizFax services, it is our intention to use all legally available means to prevent distribution and receipt of unsolicited commercial faxes ("junk faxes") through the service, or calls received from marketers and we specifically restrict members from taking any actions which impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on BizFax resources. We ask that any users who are annoyed by receipt of such junk faxes or marketing calls, please report such activity to Customer Support here.


We do not share information obtained from users on our Websites except as otherwise specifically set forth in this Privacy Policy. However BizFax customers may be linked to a supporting affiliate, or agent.  This affiliates and agents privately has limited access to some information of his/her customer list.  This information includes contact name and surname, email address, phone number, signup dates, products ordered, order statuses, and payment status per order.

Legal Disclaimer

Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law or where we have a good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order, legal process served on our Website, or in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activity. For example, we may disclose personal information to law enforcement, other government officials, or third parties in response to criminal or civil subpoenas. Sometimes, these requests come from our third party Internet, telecommunications and collocation providers all over the world who supply the network required for us to deliver our services. In order to maintain the integrity of our network, we often cooperate with requests from these third party providers and/or requests from law enforcement or other governmental officials directed to these providers.

BizFax Number usage

When a user ordered a BizFax number our sales consultant, or support desk may phone, email or contact the user from time to time asking the user to review the service give feedback or to give the user tips on getting the best result from the use of the number. The user may also from time to time receive promotional emails or product updates. The user has the option to permanently unsubscribe from any of these lists.


Civil Subpoena Policy

BizFax does not release personally identifying information about our customers except in limited instances related to law, security, or safety. To request customer information from BizFax in a civil case, you must serve BizFax with a valid subpoena, court order, or search warrant and agree to BizFax's terms of compensation below. All civil subpoenas should be directed to:

DirectX Trading CC
Subpoena Department
PO BOX 1261
South Africa

Fax: 086 696 4362


Upon receipt of a valid subpoena, it is BizFax's policy to notify the subscriber whose information is sought. In non-emergency circumstances, BizFax will generally not produce the subpoenaed subscriber's identity information until approximately two weeks after receipt of the subpoena, unless a formal objection is filed by the customer or we are legally required to do so.

BizFax charges R500.00 per hour for research (plus additional fees if testimony or deposition is required), R2 per page, and R140.00 to respond via express courier (or equivalent amounts in local currency). We will invoice the person or entity submitting the subpoena following receipt and the subpoena proponent must make payment within 15 days from the date of receipt of our invoice. Checks should be made out to BizFax DirectX Networks PTY ltd.

It is BizFax's policy to release information sufficient to identify our customer only where the party seeking the information has filed a legal action that implicates our customer in some legally cognizable impropriety or wrongdoing or can show that the information requested is material to the issues involved in the underlying case. BizFax requests a copy of the complaint and all supporting documentation to indicate how the customer's account information is related to the pending litigation. Note that BizFax reserves the right to determine in its sole discretion the applicability of this policy to any particular request and, further, this policy does not create any enforceable legal rights, either for our customers or for requesting parties.

Aggregate Information (non-personally identifiable)

We share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personally identifiable information.

Third Party Intermediaries

We use an outside payment processing company to bill users for goods and services. In addition, we may use third parties to host certain portions of our Websites and to fulfill certain requests for information from our users. These companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.

Business Transitions

In the event BizFax goes through a business transition, such as a merger, an acquisition or a sale of some or all of its assets, we will provide notice to users before their personal information is transferred or becomes subject to another privacy policy.


Users are given the opportunity to 'opt-out' from receiving email, updates or promotional emails.  BizFax classifies all no BizFax related  or third-party products as promotional emails.  You are able to unsubscribe from any  such emails by clicking on "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email or calling the BizFax helpdesk on 087 808 5003.


BizFax also sends its user base information on special promotions and partner services that we think might be relevant to the user. Users of a BizFax free service are automatically opted-in and are considered to consent to receive this information. These materials are monitored by BizFax for content and regularity to respect the wishes of our free users. BizFax free users may opt-out of receiving these promotional materials by either upgrading to a paid service or by canceling their accounts.

Paying BizFax users who do not wish to receive our promotional communications may opt-out from receiving these communications by clicking the opt-out link included at the bottom of every promotional message or by going to the unsubscribe page listed above.

Users of our sites are always notified when their information is being collected by any outside parties. We do this so our users can make an informed choice as to whether or not they should proceed with services that require an outside party.


BizFax's Websites contain links to other sites. Please be aware that BizFax is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our sites and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by BizFax through its Websites. BizFax has advertising and affiliate relationships with dozens of third party sites which drive interested parties to our sites. Information that is collected on these sites does not fall within the auspices of this policy. BizFax has Co-Brand relationships with some websites. A site is a Co-Brand of BizFax if it offers BizFax technology or services to its users under a different brand. The Co-Branded sites will have their own privacy policies specific to each site, and the user should read them carefully before registration.


Periodically, our site requests information from users via surveys. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose this information. The requested information typically includes contact information (such as name and address), and demographic information (such as zip code). Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of BizFax's services. Users' personally identifiable information is not shared with third parties unless we give prior notice and a choice to opt-out. Though we may use an intermediary to conduct these surveys, they may not use customers' personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.


If a user elects to use our referral service for informing a friend about our services, we ask them for the friend's name and email address. BizFax will automatically send the friend a one-time email inviting them to visit BizFax's Websites. BizFax stores this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email and tracking the success of our referral program. The one time email may be followed up by one singular other email to confirm the receipt of the first.


BizFax takes every reasonable precaution to protect its users’ information. When users submit sensitive information via BizFax's Websites, their information is protected both online and off-line.

When our registration/order forms ask users to enter sensitive information (such as credit card number), that information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption software in the industry - SSL.  BizFax does not store any credit card information of customers.


Accessing/Correcting/Updating/Deleting Personal Information

BizFax makes good faith efforts to provide users with access to their personal information and to correct this information if it is inaccurate or to delete such information at users’ request if it is not otherwise required to be retained by law. Users are required to identify themselves and the information requested to be accessed, corrected or removed before we process such requests. This can usually be done at the profile (my Account)page of the BizFax service patronized by the user or by contacting our customer service agents.

Notification of Changes

If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes in this Privacy Policy, and other places we deem appropriate, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected.

If, however, we are going to use users' personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, we will notify users via email. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner. However, if users have opted out of all communication with BizFax, or deleted/deactivated their account, then they will not be contacted, nor will their personal information be used in this new manner. In addition, if we make any material changes in our privacy practices that do not affect user information already stored in our database, we will post a prominent notice on our Website notifying users of the change. In some cases where we post a notice we will also email users, who have opted to receive communications from us, notifying them of the changes in our privacy practices.

Data Retention

The time period for which we keep information varies according to what the information is used for. In some cases, there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information, we will retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or for which it is to be further processed.